Steven Universe: unanswered questions!
Steven Universe might be my all-time favorite cartoon. I was so sad when it ended, and I just felt incomplete. And these unanswered questions are why.
1. What Was In The Chest?
Ever since we first got to see inside Lion's pocket dimension, there was a chest with something inside. However, we never got to learn what was in that chest. When the movie first came out though, the chest was opened. It was obviously never explained why (hence the title of this article) so I hope we get to see what happened during that adventure, in comic form or something. Some fans theorize about what was inside it. Like maybe Steven's new jacket, or Pink Diamond's shards. The Pink Diamond thing, of course, is invalid, but still.
2. Who Created White Diamond?
Sadly, this was a big question that I really wanted to be answered! Before we got to see corrupted Steven, we only saw it in the intro. It was just a weird-looking monster. Some fans speculated that it was either corrupted Steven or the creator of the diamonds. Of course, the corrupted Steven side won and I was sad. I just wanted that question to be answered.....
3. Was Pink Pearl's eye healed?
In a horrible accident, one of Pink Pearl's eyes were broken. This type of injury was supposed to be incapable of happening to a gem. Pink Diamond threw a tantrum and hurt her little play pal on accident. But a single question remains. Was it ever healed? All throughout the end of Steven Universe: Future, they keep showing her in the background, and yet they always cover up her eye somehow. WHY REBECCA SUGAR!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Sorry, but this one really makes me mad.
There are actually many more questions. I could go on and on and on! But, I don't want to make you guys sit around all day. Those were just ones I wish that were answered. But hey, thanks for reading my article of the day. Bye!
Part 2 coming soon