Did Jet ever die?
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, there was a very controversial scene surrounding a character named Jet. Jet was an enemy to the group for a while, until they met him again in the city of Be Sing Se. When Team Avatar talked to him, they were surprised to see that he was on good terms. Jet wasn't in trouble or anything. This was good for him because he wasn't getting into trouble. But something was clearly wrong. He was a perfect goody-two-shoes and every time someone brought something up from his past he couldn't remember it. Later on, they discovered there was a whole brainwashing conspiracy happening in Be Sing Se, and the same people were the ones who had Appa. The Dai Li were responsible for it. A group of criminals that were trying to take over the Earth Kingdom. Eventually, everyone tries to beat the boss of the Dai Li, but on the first try, they fail. Jet gets hit and just lies there. We never saw him again after that, and the audience was just left to theorize what happened. I'm just going to deep dive into what happened, and see what I can pull out.
Confirmed by the creators of Avatar: The Last Air Bender, Jet did indeed die. But I need some proof myself. In the Avatar episode, we never get to see his injury or anything so it's hard to determine how bad it was. It must be pretty harsh though since Katara's healing water didn't work. But we can kind of tell by listening to the other character's dialogue. The first thing Jet says to Katara is "don't worry Katara, I'll be fine" But as they are walking away, Toph says: "He's lying".
And After that moment we never see Jet ever again.
Anyway, there you go guys, it's confirmed JET IS DEAD. I don't really know how to feel about that, but yeah. That's it, today's article. Thanks for reading, Bye!
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