Worst to Best 3: Avatar The Last Airbender
Sorry that this got posted late. My computer crashed and got rid of all of my progress. And the worst part was I was almost finished! Anyway sorry about that, and let's get started.
King Bumi is pretty energetic for a man his age. He always puts others first and he's a really sweet guy. He may also be a slightly insane too though.
I love Ty Lee's energy and passion. For a person on the side of evil, she's really kind. Just like She-Ra, Avatar really shows you that the villains also have feelings, and they're not straight up crooks. Anyway, Ty Lee is super cutesy and fun. Also at the end, her joining the Kyoshi Warriors was perfect.
So this probably won't surprise you because Iv'e kinda been obsessed with this show lately... But, too bad, because i'm doing an Avatar worst to best. Now just to be clear these are my own opinions, so please don't hurt me. Now that that's out of the way, let's dive in!
20. General Zhao
General Zhao was basically the old Azula. He did his job as a villain, he died. I don't really care about him. I'm glad he died, because he was kinda a bland villain, and I think Azula definitely played that role better than he did.
19. Mai
Just like Zhao, I really have nothing special to say about her. Her personality is so bland, they even mention it in the show! There is one really touching moment at the Boiling Rock though when her and Ty Lee defend Zuko and Sokka from Azula.
18. Firelord Ozai
Ozai is the main protagonist of the series. And I wish we got to spend more tome with him. I love that we got lot's of fights between the gang and Zuko / Azula. But I wish he was more involved with those fights. He had a strong build up for he and Aang battle for that one time, but that's really it.
17. Princess Yue
I really like Princess Yue's character. She definitely plays a strong and meaningful role in the story. But yet again, I wish we got to spend more time with her before her sacrifice. She turned into the moon to save the world shortly after we just met her. It was kinda sad to see her go so soon, but at the same time, it was a really touching moment.
16. Appa
Appa is a really sweet fur-ball of joy. He's also the teams transportation to getting places. Through those few episodes where he was gone, I realized how much of a vital role he played in the story. One thing that bugs me though is that I wish that he had more personality like Momo. Momo can't talk, and yet he's really expressive.
15. Hakoda
In Avatar, the number of times that Hakoda got separated from his kids (Katara and Sokka) was countless. Every time he went away or sacrificed himself to save them gave me so much anxiety! But he always got back with them eventually so yay I guess.
14. June
Like I said earlier, Mai barley has any personality. But, June is basically like Mai with more story woven into her. She is strong, confident, and brave. June will really help anyone, if you pay the right price.
13. Avatar Roku
Sadly, Avatar Kyoshi never made it onto this list. But instead we have Roku. Avatar Roku's backstory is a pretty good one. The tale on how his friend started the war was tragic. He tried over and over again to try and save the one he loved from the side of evil, but sometimes there is no turning back.
12. Jet
Jet had a classic anime backstory, and I loved his friendship between him and Zuko. At first, he seemed pretty bad. If you looked deep inside you'll find that just like Zuko, he's not a bad guy. His "death" was decisive among fans and I don't really know what to think about it.
11. King Bumi
King Bumi is pretty energetic for a man his age. He always puts others first and he's a really sweet guy. He may also be a slightly insane too though.
10. Ty Lee
I love Ty Lee's energy and passion. For a person on the side of evil, she's really kind. Just like She-Ra, Avatar really shows you that the villains also have feelings, and they're not straight up crooks. Anyway, Ty Lee is super cutesy and fun. Also at the end, her joining the Kyoshi Warriors was perfect.
9. Suki
To be the leader of the modern Kyoshi Warriors you have to be strong. And Suki is basically the walking definition of girl power. She knows what she's doing and she's not afraid to run into battle and kick-butt.
8. Katara
Katara is a pretty good character, I can't lie. I like her personality and motivations to move forward. And when Zuko first joined Team Avatar I almost lost all respect for her. She was bullying my boy so hard I wanted to throw Katara off a bridge. When they made up though, I still liked her, I just never looked at her the same again.
7. Momo
Unlike the rest of the animals is Avatar, Momo has lots of personality. He's not too heavily involved with the story, but you can always tell what he's trying to tell you. Plus he's adorable and funny sooo I love him.
6. Aang
Aang is the main protagonist in Avatar. Because well, he is the Avatar. He's pretty serious, but never afraid to goof off sometimes. Aang is under lots of pressure since he was missing for so long. He had to end a war with his friends and master all four elements within one year! The show really makes you feel for him, and aang's a very likable protagonist.
5. Sokka
At first, Sokka was a jerky sexist immature brat. But as the series progressed, just like all the characters, he grew and changed as well. I like that not all fighters have to be benders and Sokka shows that. He's powerful without using bending to his advantage.
4. Azula
Azula is a great character. She is pretty intimidating and scary. But, she also had feelings too. Towards the end of the series she had a mental breakdown. She may be evil but it shows that lots of people despise her. Azula's friends betrayed her, and her own mom thought she was a monster. She's not to open about her feelings, but if you look closely you can see little cracks into how she feels.
3. Zuko
I'm so glad that Zuko and Uncle Iroh got their happy ending. They really deserved it after everything they went through. Especially Zuko. He probably changed the most throughout the series as a whole. He went through all 5 stages of grief, and I just love his redemption so much. Everything about his journey was perfect. And it was so relieving when he finally cut that disgusting pony tail.
2. Uncle Iroh
If Uncle Iroh was real, it would've solved world peace by now. One time a man literally tried to mug him, and he sat down with him, made him some tea, and talked with him about what was bugging him. Uncle Iroh is just the best. He's so kind and loving that I could hardly stand it. And when he finally reunited with Zuko at the very end, I cried so hard.
1. Toph Beifong
Toph is the strongest earth bender when it comes to battle. She even invented a new type of bending called metal bending. Like, what can Toph not do. Literally during her first appearance we saw a 12 year old blind girl beat 3 grown men. She does not care what other people think of her. Also she doesn't see her "disability" as a disability. She is the best earth bender because of it. Toph uses it to her advantage. She's cool, collected, and is never afraid to crack a joke. And that's why Toph is the best. Thank you.
Anyway, thanks for reading my Avatar worst to best characters. I'll maybe try and post again today of it doesn't delete my whole article again. Anyhow, goodbye!
Toph is best girl